Spinal Condition Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy Features

  • Five elements of music to balance the inner body for good sleep.

  • Gradient barometric therapy from the neck to the feet relaxes the muscles and soft tissues, especially for the muscle along the spine.

  • Medical frequency 15-20Hz, longitudinal vibration, deeply stimulates and relaxes muscles and soft tissue. Vertical fine-tuning of the spine generates endorphins.

  • It uses a 10/15 degrees downward head lean to relieve the cervical and lumbar spine pain and restore the spine's structural healthy balance.

  • Stimulate the hips and the surrounding muscles as well as the viscera system.

  • Expand capillaries, speed up blood flow, promote blood circulation, and play an assistant health care role of relaxing channels and collaterals and relieving pain.

Major Benefits

Neck, shoulder, and back pain relief

Releases muscle fatigue and soreness

Promotes metabolism and blood circulation

Improves sleep, relieves stress and anxiety

Prevents and reverses osteoporosis


Cervical Spine
Lumbar Disc Herniation
Muscle Stiffness



Heart & Lung Functions
Immune System
Endocrine/Lymphatic Drainage
Exercise Acid Removal

Simply Relax and Let iRelaxBot Ease Your Spinal Problems.